Equipment -- Weapons

Melee Weapons

Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Military Weapons
One Handed
Combat Whip +2 1d4


1lbs Flail Offhand, Reach
Superior Weapons
One Handed
Kari’dakai +3 1d4
Light Blade Offhand, High Crit
Katana +3 2d4
Heavy Blade Versatile, High Crit
Superior Weapons
Two Handed
Daizaku +2 2d6
Heavy Blade High Crit

Melee Weapons

Combat Whip
A combat whip is a braided length of leather or flexible metal with a sharp or heavy tip. The design of the whip is such that the tip strikes the foe at the speed of sound, imparting great energy in a small area.

Daizaku are the favorite weapons of minotaur warriors as they come of age. The presentation of their first Daizaku is an important step in a young minotaur’s life. They are massive, slightly curved swords designed to maximize the slashing surface.

A kari'dakai resembles a thinner, slightly less curved scythe blade set into a handle extending perpendicular from the wide end of the blade. It is held so that the blade can be held with the curve following the natural curve of the forearm for a sweeping slash, or in a smooth motion turned around to bring the devastating focused point of the blade to bear

Ranged Weapons

Simple Weapons
One Handed
Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Dueling Arm +2 1d4 10/20
Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Minor
Simple Weapons
Two Handed
Hunting Rifle +2 1d6 15/30
Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Move
Military Weapons
One Handed
Side Arm +2 1d4 10/20
Firearm, Crossbow Offhand, High Crit, Load Minor
Six Gun +2 1d6 15/30
Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Free
Military Weapons
Two Handed
Long Arm +2 1d8 15/30



Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Minor
Superior Weapons
Two Handed
Mechanical Rifle +2 1d8 15/30
Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Free
Handheld Cannon +3 1d10 15/30
Firearm, Crossbow High Crit, Load Minor

Ranged Weapons

Dueling Arm
A dueling arm is a light, single shot, breech loading pistol, popular with merchants and aristocrats for personal defense. It takes two hands to reload a dueling pistol.

Handheld Cannon
This device is a long, iron tube that fires extremely large shots that deliver grievous wounds. It takes two hands to load a handheld cannon.

Hunting Rifle
The standard hunting implement in some areas, the hunting rifle is a breech loading device that requires two hands to load.

Long Arm
A superiorly designed and balanced version of the hunting rifle, the long arm is also a breech loader that requires two hands to load.

Mechanical Rifle
Of superior mechanical design, the mechanical rifle is a relatively new and exotic device that can fire many shots before needing to be reloaded. Ammunition is sold in special hoppers of 10 bullets that can be switched out between firings. It takes two hands and a move action to switch out hoppers.

Side Arm
Bulkier, but more reliable than the dueling arm, the side arm is a well known back up weapon in many armies and a favored offhand weapon of highwaymen. It takes two hands to reload a side arm.

Six Gun
A marvel of mechanical design, the six gun holds up to six shots in a rotating drum for rapid firing. Ammunition is sold in special speed loading containers to aid in swift reloads. It takes one hand to rotate the drum, but two hands to load six fresh bullets into a six gun. Reloading a single bullet or six bullets from a speed loader into a six gun is a move action.


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