Level Intuitive Spells
Ignition:* You cause a small
flame to ignite on a touched object.
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Knife:* Creates an invisible force that can cuts
like a dagger
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or
skill check.
Inflict Minor Wounds: Touch attack, 1 point of damage.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis
Mage's Glue:* A glue like bond between two objects.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of
food or water.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.
Amplification: Increases the volume of the caster’s
1st Level
Intuitive Spells
Rope: Makes a rope move at your
Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Aspect of the Beguiler:* Grants target
greater confidence and force of personality.
Aspect of the Brute:* Grants the target
increased physical prowess and carrying capacity.
Aspect of the Dancer:* Grants the target
greater agility and physical grace.
Aspect of the Elder:* Grants the target
enhanced sensitivity and common sense.
Aspect of the Scholar:* Grants the target
greater mental capacity.
Aspect of the Survivor:* Grants the target
greater toughness and endurance.
Bane: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against
Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against
Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for
1d4 rounds.
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1
Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and
written languages.
Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max
Deathwatch: Reveals how near death subjects within
30 ft. are.
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within
60 ft.
Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack
and damage rolls.
Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage
rolls, saves, and checks.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold
Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have
20% miss chance.
Erase: Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
Expeditious Retreat: Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
Hide from Undead: Undead can’t perceive one subject/level.
Identify M: Determines properties of magic
Inflict Light Wounds: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level
(max +5).
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic Stone: Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal
1d6 +1 damage.
Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Mount: Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
Reduce Person: Humanoid creature halves in size.
Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against
fear for one subject + one per four levels.
Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t
Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection
Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Summon Monster I: Calls extraplanar creature to fight
for you.
Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.
Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level
2nd Level
Intuitive Spells
+1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary
hp +1/level (max +10).
Augury M F: Learns whether
an action will be good or bad.
Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion
Command Undead: Undead creature obeys your commands.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max
Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Daze Monster: Living creature of 6 HD or less loses
next action.
Death Knell: Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary
hp, +2 to Str, and +1 level.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for
1 hour/level.
Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
Eagle’s Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
Enthrall: Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
False Life: Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max
Faranx Barrier:* A short lived barrier
that blocks damage and spells.
Find Traps: Notice traps as a rogue does.
Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse.
Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes
stench that makes those nearby sickened.
Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible
Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Icicle Lancet:* Icicles launch from a set
point, dealing damage.
Inflict Moderate Wounds: Touch attack, 2d8 damage
+1/level (max +10).
Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level
or until it attacks.
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific
or type).
Make Whole: Repairs an object.
Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
Owl’s Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
Protection from Arrows: Subject immune to most ranged
Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from
paralysis or slow effect.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack
from specified energy type.
Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty
or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or
Shield Other F: You take half of subject’s
Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to
deliver touch attacks.
Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
Soul Shards:* Damages the caster to deal
greater damage to a target.
Summon Monster II: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
Vox Fri:* You pin the target's soul in
Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.
Whispering Wind: Sends a short message 1 mile/level.
Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.
3rd Level
Intuitive Spells
Dead M: Creates undead
skeletons and zombies.
Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack
rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Blackout:* Brings a sphere of darkness
into being.
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Blink: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
Casual Flight:* Allows creatures to fly
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance
for 1 min./level.
Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
Create Food and Water: Feeds three humans (or one
Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max
Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Deep Slumber: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50%.
Fly: Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can
fly slowly.
Glyph of Warding M: Inscription harms
those who pass it.
Halt Undead: Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.
Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack
rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Helping Hand: Ghostly hand leads subject to you.
Heroism: Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill
Inflict Serious Wounds: Touch attack, 3d8 damage
+1/level (max +15).
Invisibility Purge: Dispels invisibility within 5
Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 ft.
Keen Edge: Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement
per four levels.
Magic Weapon, Greater: +1/four levels (max +5).
Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone.
Nondetection M: Hides subject from divination,
Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
Phantom Steed: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
Prayer: Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1
Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of
damage from one kind of energy.
Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject.
Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more
against undead.
Sepia Snake Sigil M: Creates text symbol
that immobilizes reader.
Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round,
–1 to AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls.
Speak with Dead: Corpse answers one question/two
Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course
of action.
Summon Monster III: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for ten creatures.
Tongues: Speak any language.
in Twilight: Allows short term travel through shadow.
Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
Water Walk: Subject treads on water as if solid.
Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and
4th Level
Intuitive Spells
Walk: Subject treads on air as
if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).
Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Charm Monster: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls,
damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max
Dark Phenomena:* Pulsing line of darkness
pushes enemies back.
Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative
energy effects.
Detect Scrying: Alerts you of magical eavesdropping.
Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement.
Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native
Divination M: Provides useful advice for
specific proposed actions.
Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage;
you’re protected from heat or cold.
Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite
Gazae Barrier:* A temporary barrier that
protects allies from damage and spells.
Geas, Lesser: Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders
into giant vermin.
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: Stops 1st- through
3rd-level spell effects.
Imbue with Spell Ability: Transfer spells to subject.
Inflict Critical Wounds: Touch attack, 4d8 damage
+1/level (max +20).
Locate Creature: Indicates direction to familiar
Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison,
detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Planar Ally, Lesser X: Exchange services
with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.
Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form.
Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin
stay 10 ft. away.
Resilient Sphere: Force globe protects but traps
one subject.
Restoration M: Restores level and ability
score drains.
Scrying F: Spies on subject from a distance.
Secure Shelter: Creates sturdy cottage.
Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Solid Fog: Blocks vision and slows movement.
Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per
four levels.
Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage
per attack.
Summon Monster IV: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
5th Level
Intuitive Spells
Polymorph: Transforms subject
into harmless animal.
Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage
to plant creature.
Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments,
alterations, curses, and petrifaction.
Command, Greater: As command, but affects
one subject/level.
Commune X: Deity answers one yes-or-no
Cloudkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die,
6+ HD take Con damage.
Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level
for many creatures.
Disrupting Weapon: Melee weapon destroys undead.
Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically.
Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
Feeblemind: Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1.
Hold Monster: As hold person, but any creature.
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Deals 1d8 damage +1/level
to many creatures.
Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures.
Interposing Hand: Hand provides cover against one
Mage’s Faithful Hound: Phantom dog can guard, attack.
Mage’s Private Sanctum: Prevents anyone from viewing
or scrying an area for 24 hours.
Mark of Justice: Designates action that will trigger
curse on subject.
Mind Fog: Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will
Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
Overland Flight: You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and
can hustle over long distances.
Passwall: Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
Permanency X: Makes certain spells permanent.
Plane Shift F: As many as eight subjects
travel to another plane.
Prying Eyes: 1d4 +1/level floating eyes scout for
Raise Dead M: Restores life to subject
who died as long as one day/level ago.
Slay Living: Touch attack kills subject.
Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
Summon Monster V: Calls extraplanar creature to fight
for you.
Symbol of Pain M: Triggered rune wracks
nearby creatures with pain.
Symbol of Sleep M: Triggered rune puts
nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
Telekinesis: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls
object or creature.
Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate.
Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes
per level.
Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes
per level.
True Seeing M: Lets you see all things
as they really are.
Wall of Force: Wall is immune to damage.
Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6th Level
Intuitive Spells
Dweomer F: Reveals
magical aspects of subject.
Objects: Objects attack your foes.
Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.
Antilife Shell: 10-ft. field hedges out living creatures.
Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
Bear’s Endurance, Mass: As bear’s endurance,
affects one subject/ level.
Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.
Bull’s Strength, Mass: As bull’s strength,
affects one subject/level.
Contingency F: Sets trigger condition
for another spell.
Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Create Undead: Create ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level
for many creatures.
Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but
up to +20 on check.
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass: As eagle’s splendor,
affects one subject/level.
Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Find the Path: Shows most direct way to a location.
Flesh to Stone: Turns subject creature into statue.
Forbiddance M: Blocks planar travel, damages
creatures of different alignment.
Forceful Hand: Hand pushes creatures away.
Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, plus it affects
any creature.
Globe of Invulnerability: As lesser globe of invulnerability,
plus 4th-level spell effects.
Glyph of Warding, Greater: As glyph of warding,
but up to 10d8 damage or 6th-level spell.
Guards and Wards: Array of magic effects protect
Harm: Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
Heal: Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases
and mental conditions.
Heroes’ Feast: Food for one creature/level cures
and grants combat bonuses.
Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls,
saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass: Deals 2d8 damage +1/level
to many creatures.
Legend Lore M F: Lets you learn
tales about a person, place, or thing.
Move Earth: Digs trenches and build hills.
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass: As owl’s wisdom, affects
one subject/level.
Planar Ally X: As lesser planar ally,
but up to 12 HD.
Repulsion: Creatures can’t approach you.
Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
Stone to Flesh: Restores petrified creature.
Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion, plus one
Summon Monster VI: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
Symbol of Fear M: Triggered rune panics
nearby creatures.
Symbol of Persuasion M: Triggered rune
charms nearby creatures.
True Seeing M: Lets you see all things
as they really are.
Undeath to Death M: Destroys 1d4 HD/level
undead (max 20d4).
Wall of Iron M: 30 hp/four levels; can
topple onto foes.
Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and
travel fast.
Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated
7th Level
Intuitive Spells
Sight, Greater: As arcane
sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and
Control Undead: Undead don’t attack you while under
your command.
Control Weather: Changes weather in local area.
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level
for many creatures.
Destruction F: Kills subject and destroys
Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
Finger of Death: Kills one subject.
Forcecage M: Cube or cage of force imprisons
all inside.
Grasping Hand: Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Hold Person, Mass: As hold person, but all
within 30 ft.
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass: Deals 3d8 damage +1/level
to many creatures.
Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Instant Summons M: Prepared object appears
in your hand.
Invisibility, Mass: As invisibility, but affects
all in range.
Mage’s Magnificent Mansion F: Door leads
to extradimensional mansion.
Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or
Phase Door: Creates an invisible passage through
wood or stone.
Regenerate: Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures
4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
Restoration, Greater X: As restoration,
plus restores all levels and ability scores.
Resurrection M: Fully restore dead subject.
Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward.
Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and
Sequester: Subject is invisible to sight and scrying;
renders creature comatose.
Spell Turning: Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at
Statue: Subject can become a statue at will.
Summon Monster VII: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
Symbol of Stunning M: Triggered rune stuns
nearby creatures.
Symbol of Weakness M: Triggered rune weakens
nearby creatures.
Teleport Object: As teleport, but affects
a touched object.
Vision M X: As legend lore,
but quicker and strenuous.
8th Level
Intuitive Spells
Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
Binding M: Utilizes an array of techniques
to imprison a creature.
Charm Monster, Mass: As charm monster, but
all within 30 ft.
Clenched Fist: Large hand provides cover, pushes,
or attacks your foes.
Create Greater Undead M: Create shadows,
wraiths, spectres, or devourers.
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level
for many creatures.
Demand: As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar
travel blocked for one day/level.
Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature
or object.
Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
Mind Blank: Subject is immune to mental/emotional
magic and scrying.
Moment of Prescience: You gain insight bonus on single
attack roll, check, or save.
Planar Ally, Greater X: As lesser planar
ally, but up to 18 HD.
Polymorph Any Object: Changes any subject into anything
Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
Prying Eyes, Greater: As prying eyes, but
eyes have true seeing.
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass: Deals 4d8 damage +1/level
to many creatures.
Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron.
Spell Immunity, Greater: As spell immunity, but
up to 8th-level spells.
Summon Monster VIII: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
Symbol of Death M: Triggered rune slays
nearby creatures.
Symbol of Insanity M: Triggered rune renders
nearby creatures insane.
Sympathy F: Object or location attracts
certain creatures.
Telekinetic Sphere: As resilient sphere, but
you move sphere telekinetically.
Temporal Stasis M: Puts subject into suspended
Trap the Soul M F: Imprisons
subject within gem.
9th Level
Intuitive Spells
Projection M: Projects
you and companions onto Astral Plane.
Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes,
or crushes your foes.
Dominate Monster: As dominate person, but
any creature.
Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Foresight: “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Freedom: Releases creature from imprisonment
Gate X: Connects two planes for travel
or summoning.
Heal, Mass: As heal, but with several subjects.
Hold Monster, Mass: As hold monster, but all
within 30 ft.
Implosion: Kills one creature/round.
Imprisonment: Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Miracle X: Requests a deity’s intercession.
Power Word Kill: Kills one creature with 100 hp or
Shapechange F: Transforms you into any
creature, and change forms once per round.
Soul Bind F: Traps newly dead soul to
prevent resurrection.
Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning,
and hail.
Summon Monster IX: Calls extraplanar creature to
fight for you.
True Resurrection M: As resurrection,
plus remains aren’t needed.
Wail of the Banshee: Kills one creature/level.
Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all
within 30 ft.
* Denotes
a spell new to the World of Ere Campaign Setting