New Skills


New Skill uses

New Skills

Gamble (Wis)
Gamble reflects your skill at all manner of games of chance where money changes hands. It represents your ability to choose winners in contests and to play at cards, dice, etc. This skill does not reflect games of skill such as dart throwing.

Check: Gamble is an opposed check, rolled against all other characters betting. Each check represents approximately five rounds of a given game. Each time your check is the highest of all participating characters, you gain the amount wagered (determined by the specific game you are playing) multiplied by the number of participants, minus 1.
Some games allow for more than one winner. In this situation, a check the beats the lowest check of all participants earns you 1.5 x your wager.

Action: Using Gamble represents approximately 5 rounds of a given game, typically lasting twenty minutes.

Try Again: You may retry Gamble as long as you can still afford to wager.

Synergy: Having 5 or more ranks in Bluff or Sense Motive grants a +2 synergy bonus to Gamble checks.

Pilot (Wis; trained only)
Like Craft, Knowledge, Perform, and Profession, Pilot is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill. A Pilot skill represents an aptitude with operating a vehicle that does not rely on animal power.

Each of the three categories includes a type of vehicle:

  • Land
  • Aquatic
  • Aerial

Check: Typical piloting tasks don't require checks. Checks are required during combat, for special maneuvers, or in other extreme circumstances, or when the pilot wants to attempt something outside the normal parameters of the vehicle. When flying, the character can attempt simple maneuvers and stunts (actions in which the pilot attempts to do something complex very quickly or in a limited space). A few special maneuvers are detailed below:

Force Speed
You know tricks to coax a bit more speed out of their given vehicle. On a successful check, the vehicles move speed increases by 10ft. DC 20

Match Speed
You can hold a vehicle steadily alongside another moving object, allowing safe boarding operations for example. DC 15

Action: Move

Try Again: Yes. You may retry special maneuvers once each round.

New Skill Uses

Balance (Dex)
Standing on a Creature or vehicle
Creatures can physically stand on creatures and vehicles two sizes larger than themselves or larger. This requires a balance check DC 10 modified by the creature’s attitude toward the character as follows:

Balance Bonus/Penalty
Hostile +20

This DC increases by 5 if the creature has moved in the round.

Creatures fighting while standing on a creature take a -5 penalty to balance checks.

You are treated as being in an adjacent square with a creature you’re standing on. If the creature attacks you, you take a -10 penalty on your balance check to remain standing on the creature.

Vehicles are treated as indifferent unless their pilot is aware of you, in which case, the vehicle is treated as if it has the same attitude as the pilot. Standing on parts of vehicles meant for normal use does not require a balance check.

A creature failing its balance check must make a reflex save DC 15 or fall off the creature. Success means they merely fall prone.

Craft (Int)

Item Craft Skill DC
Climbing Epoxy, Shooting Star Powder
Alchemy 15
Eyeshine, Slip Spray
Alchemy 20
Adhesive Line, Burst Water
Alchemy 25
Powder Keg
Explosives 10
Wall-breaker Spike
Explosives 15
Explosives 20
Explosives 25
Firearm (simple)
Gunsmithing 15
Firearm (martial)
Gunsmithing 18
Firearm (exotic)
Gunsmithing 21
Expanding Staff, Speed Loader
Mechanical 20
Pocket Watch Mechanical 25

Jumping Movement
Distance moved while jumping is no longer limited by a character’s base land speed. A character can move up to 100ft as a move action or 200ft as a double move by jumping provided their jump check covers that distance.

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