Monster New Types and Qualities

Discarnate Subtype: Discarnate creatures are those whose powers have expanded beyond the scope of mortality. In the eyes of mortals, they are often thought of as demi-deific.

Traits: A Discarnate creature possesses following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

  • Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision
  • Immortality/-20
  • Incorporeal touch (Su): Discarnate creatures can effect Incorporeal creatures and object as if they were Incorporeal.

Immortality (Ex): An immortal creature does not die when reduced to -10 hit points or lower. It is immune to Constitution damage and death effects and never suffers negative levels.

An immortal creature treats any ability drain (permanent ability damage) as temporary ability damage, which it heals at the normal rate. An immortal creature suffers no penalties for aging (but bonuses still accrue) and never dies of old age.

Any other effect that would normally kill an immortal creature instead reduces its hit points to -10. If an immortal creature is incapacitated by being reduced to -10 or fewer hit points, it remains unconscious until it recovers through natural healing or outside help. An immortal creature regrows lost body parts in 1d6 days, unless it has another ability that will regrow them more quickly.

An immortal creature always has one specific vulnerability that can permanently end its life. Most vulnerabilities also require the creature to be reduced to at least -10 hit points.

Typical vulnerabilities include beheading, fire damage, damage from a particular kind of weapon, and burial, but immortal creatures often have unique vulnerabilities, or possess more than one vulnerability.

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