Church of the Threefold Moon
The God of Shadow – also known
as the Lord of Shades, the Threefold Moon and Imoc-te Midian
(Strength of Change in the ancient tongue) – goes by
the name Adruzan Kayda or simply Kayda to all but his most
powerful servants. He has existed since Saints Landing, though
he was never part of the Greater Pantheon and in fact opposes
them in secret.
The public face of his church, the Church
of the Threefold Moon, teaches that strength and perfection
can only be gained by welcoming and facing conflict. The typical
Kaydan worshiper takes this simply as a maxim about enduring
hardship, but the most devout take this as a demand to seek
out conflict where it can be found and create it where it
This is, in fact, the god’s aim; the
sewing of violence and discord into the world nurtured by
the Greater Pantheon. Through his machinations and those of
his subordinates, this philosophy has been impressed upon
demi-humanity even outside his Church. Whether it is true
or not, the inner circles of the Greater Pantheon believe
that Kayda is responsible for every great atrocity on Ere,
from Draconic Control to The Ashing of the Green and the Western
Kayda’s goal is the ultimate destruction
of the Greater Pantheon and its creations, though only his
mightiest servants are aware that achieving his ambitions
means the destruction of all that most of his subordinates
have turned to him to attain.
At the highest ranks of the Church, far out
of view of the day to day worshippers are the priests, clerics
of Kayda who have submitted to their god’s touch to
transform them into something more than demi-human. Many display
inborn powers or what would normally be traits passed down
by blood (templates). They are effectively immortal, not needing
to eat or sleep or even breathe, though they can still be
slain. It is the priests that oversee the transformations
of other priests as well as the ascension of Kayda’s
military arm in the world; the Kaydan demon.
Creating Kaydan Demons
The DM is encouraged to get very creative when
developing new Kaydan demons. Applying multiple
templates to uncommon monsters, giving them multiple
class or prestige class levels, and creating new
and unique special qualities and attacks are the
tools by which Kaydan demons are made. Kaydan
demons can ignore most restrictions on type, race
or roleplaying requirements on templates and prestige
classes as their powers come from Kayda, not the
normal process or organization that grants those
The very
existence of the powerful monsters known as Kaydan demons is
largely secret even among the clerics of the god. For his part,
Kayda keeps them a secret both to avoid interference from outside
sources and to avoid frightening away the worshipers he depends
on for power.
The highest
ranking agents of the Greater Pantheon are also aware of these
beasts, but know that revealing their existence would throw
the world into paranoid chaos that they cannot afford. Thus,
they seek to destroy demons in secret as they appear.
The average
person attributes any monsters or scenes of brutality to divinity
sparks as a matter of course and thus rarely has much reason
to look beneath the surface of such things.
demons are both born and created through rituals in which
Kaydan priests mystically bond the genetic essence of one
creature to the essences of others as well as powerful divine
magics. The results are impossible crosses of beings that
could not normally occur in nature, replete with unique, supernatural
abilities that occur apparently at random.
All Kaydan demons are instilled with a knack
for ambition and betrayal by the processes that create them,
though they are usually automatically placed in the thrall
of a more powerful Kaydan demon or even a particularly powerful
Six demons stand above all others, the so
called First Six who have been given the ability to command
any other demon for their own purposes and have been given
dominion over a specific aspect of what Kayda feels is the
demi-human soul; Azura the Jewel, who embodies Pride; Crystallus,
who embodies Ambition; Mind-Witness Amamnazon who represents
Curiosity; Ramidus who represents Fear; Shade-sorceress Hexta
who symbolizes Adaptation; and Damodon Strake who symbolizes
These demons rarely collaborate and all six,
by their nature never work together. Each serves their purpose
of preying on the aspect of demi-humanity they were created
to exploit, in theory working toward Kayda’s ultimate
goal. Most of the time, the Six are only ever encountered
via whatever demons they are currently using as their agents.
Luckily for the world, Azura the Jewel and
Crystallus were sealed away into prisons of metal and ice
respectively by unknown forces some time during or shortly
after Draconic Control.
Plot Hooks
The directly malevolent nature of Kayda and his upper echelons
makes the Church of the Threefold Moon a clear choice for
a primary antagonist in an Ere campaign. However, one should
take care to remember three things;
One, not every worshipper of Kayda is evil.
In fact, most are good, honest people who simply feel that
the message that conflict strengthens them appeals to them.
They aren’t even aware of the darker dealings of the
Church. Members of the church may respect and even help heroes
on their journey.
Two, most people, even adventurers are not
aware of the Church’s true nature. They know that the
Greater Pantheon isn’t friendly with the Church, but
they also aren’t friendly to the benign dragon cults.
Only the very powerful in the Greater Pantheon’s temples
know the truth and as a rule, they prefer the rest of the
world not know.
Three, the Church is almost impossible to
destroy. Most ancient evils in the genre can be banished with
a lot of good luck and a few lucky strikes, but the Threefold
Moon is monolithic and to the normal world, benign. Few people
who know the truth want it unmasked and will attempt to stop
any attempts at such. Even if a party is able to destroy all
of the Six, Kayda will still be able to touch the world and
begin anew if even a single demon or priest survives.
In short, going up against the Lord of Shades
is usually the culmination of an epic adventure, not to be
taken lightly. Small scale skirmishes with Kayda and his demons
will almost always be secret wars with little reward or thanks
save for knowing that demi-humanity won a victory over the
one, clear evil that remains in the world.