Endless Journey
Though they have no nation to call their own, all halflings
have a homeland of a sort among the some thirty caravans of
brightly colored wagons that make their way across the continent.
These Caravans are collectively known as the Endless Journey
and despite appearances of openness on the part of the halflings,
little is known about it.
The Journey
began as Ghazhuulphear’s great dragon armies began their
campaign to bring the mortal world to heel before the dragons.
The halfling and human homeland of Daius-Sur in present day
Callen was quickly taken as those sworn to protect them became
tyrants overnight.
A few
humans fled, going to ground or becoming servants of the abstaining
Dragon Nations in present day Rizen. But the halfling High
Priest of Pandemos, Seti Dayrunner knew that his people would
lose all that they were as a people if they took either option.
Legend holds that Dayrunner called up all of his followers
together in the hall of the Temple of Pandemos in Spinar as
the draconic assault began for one last feast to please their
god and pray for salvation.
supposedly appeared before the assembled halflings as a brown
skinned halfling in a traveling cloak. Thus manifested, he
told them to flee the temple and head to the large cartwright’s
shop in the southern edge of town. He told them that as long
as they remained family to one another and never settled in
any land, that they were under his divine protection and they
only had the malice of mortal men to fear.
The proclamation
of Pandemos in the legend seems to still hold true today for
the halflings who continue the Endless Journey. The caravans
seem beneath the notice of normal spirit beasts that routinely
attack other travelers. They even seem to travel in perfect
conditions (from a halfling point of view).
the halflings manage to escape the claws of the monsters of
the world, the basic principles of these caravans have lasted
for thousands of years. Each caravan is led by a single halfling
who has shown great skill at tracking, finding paths and providing
the caravan with what it needs, by hunting or by trade. Regardless
of the halfling’s age, they are called the Greatfather
or Greatmother (the halfling way of referring to grandparents)
of the Caravan. The Greatfather (or mother) is the final authority
in all matters concerning the caravan, acting as judge, clergy
and ambassador all in one, though in typical halfling fashion,
the entire caravan gets to speak their piece.
The primary
duty of the Greatparent of a caravan is to decide the route
the caravan takes. Unlike caravans operated out of towns and
cities, the Endless Journey has no set route and no schedule.
They go where they will, though they rarely venture farther
north then Te’ran or further East then Novrom. Along
the way, they trade their wares as well as goods collected
in cities and towns they’ve passed through.
erratic movement means that caravans cross one another’s
path fairly frequently, but never know when or under what
circumstances. When they meet in the wilderness, the Greatparents
of the two usually decide to have their caravans travel together
for a time. When the caravans part ways, they have usually
exchanged a few members.
two or more caravans meet at a town or city, it is cause for
celebration to the halflings. They may stop for as long as
two weeks to hold these celebrations. During this time, other
caravans in the area are alerted to the festivities and sometimes
as many as ten caravans may descend on a town at a time, infusing
a great deal of exotic goods into the local economy.
The halflings on the Endless Journey are generally the most
well traveled commoners on Ere. They come into contact with
and adopt customs and even children from all walks of life.
It comes as no surprise that the Journey caravans also come
into the possession of information or items that may be of
some interests of certain groups.
the Journey can be an excellent starting point for an adventure,
or the tracking down of a given caravan can be the focus of
an entire campaign.