Hailing from the fiery, volcanic island Timaba in the northern
nation of Nyce, where fire and ice clash constantly, the so
called phoenixes of Timaba have been recently been introduced
to the mainland as familiars and pets. Naturally at home in
both oppressive heat and intense cold, Timaba phoenixes have
become a symbol of heartiness in Nyce.
The birds
mate for life, living most of their lives on ice flows, eating
fish and smaller birds. In the coldest month of winter, they
flock around Timaba to mate and nest in the volcanic calderas.
Phoenix eggs require temperatures in excess of 300 degrees
to hatch.
phoenixes are the larger gender, with black plumage ranging
to purple. Males have red, orange and purple feathers.
Phoenix CR 1
Small Magical Beast
Languages: --
2d10+6 (17 HP)
AC 16 (10 +1size, +3 Dex, +2
natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Fort +6, Ref
+6, Will +2
Initiative: +3; Speed:
10ft. (2 squares), fly 100ft. (average)
(20 squares)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-1
Attack: Talons +3 (1d4+1plus
Blaze Aura)
Full Attack: Talons +3 (1d4+1
Blaze Aura)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con
17, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 6
Special Qualities: Resist Fire
10 Cold 10; darkvision 60ft., low light vision
Special Attacks: Blaze Aura
Feats Flyby Attack
Skills Spot +8
Treasure: None
Environment: volcanic islands,
ice floes
Organization: solitary, mated
pair, flight (4-10 phoenixes
Advancement: 3-6HD (Small) 7HD
Level Adjustment: --
In defense of nest, mate or master, Timaba phoenixes
attack with flyby attacks and use their Blaze
Aura to deal additional damage.
Aura (Su): When agitated, a Timaba phoenix
can superheat the air around it as a standard
action. Any creature adjacent to the phoenix takes
1d10 fire damage. A reflex save (DC 14) reduces
this damage by half. This save is Constitution-based.
Phoenix Familiars
A spellcaster with the improved familiar feat,
who is at least 5th level can acquire a Timaba
Phoenix as a familiar. |