Template -- Spirit Beast 

Spirit Beast
Spirit Beasts are magical creatures formed by divinity sparks manifesting within ordinary creatures. They are more intelligent, longer lived, and far tougher than standard creatures of their type.

They appear as average members of their species, but with strangely marked hides and dimly glowing eyes.

Creating a Spirit Beast
"Spirit Beast" is an template that can be added to any non-humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The Spirit Beast template is an acquired or inherited template.

Type and Subtype
The base creature gains Discarnate Subtype.

If the base creature had the Animal type, its type becomes Magical Beast [Augmented Animal].

Hit Dice and Hit Points
Fractional hit dice become whole hit dice. Spirit beasts always have the maximum hit points for their hit dice.

Special Attacks
A spirit beast retains all the special attacks of the base creature

Supernatural Might (Su): Whenever a spirit beast hits with a natural attack, it ignores the first 5 points of DR or Hardness.

Special Qualities
A spirit beast retains all the special qualities of the base creature.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Spirit beasts gain damage reduction according to the table below:

Table: Spirit Beast Damage Reduction

Spirit Beast HD
Damage Reduction
1-5 1/-
6-10 2/-
11-14 3/-
15-18 4/-
19-20 5/-
21+ 6/-

Energy Immunity (Ex): A spirit beast gains immunity to one energy type. (pick acid, fire, electricity, or sonic).

Fast healing (Su): Each round, a spirit beast heals 1 damage/HD.

Spirit beasts are stronger, more agile, healthier, and more intelligent than their brethren. They gain the following bonuses to their abilities:+6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +4 Intelligence and +4 Charisma.

A spirit beast can take Discarnate Feats instead of normal feats.

Challenge Rating
As the base creature +3

Level Adjustment
As the base creature +6

Sample Spirit Beast:

Spirit Beast Wolf
Spirit beast wolves resemble normal wolves with stiff, bristle like fur and eyes that glow a soft white in the dark. They are cunning pack hunters with the capacity to form simple plans.

Spirit Beast Wolf CR 3
Medium Magical Beast (Augmented Animal) (Discarnate)
Languages: --
2d8+8 (24 hp)
AC 16 (+4 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3
Initiative: +4; Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+5
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Special Qualities: DR 1/-; Immune Fire; Resist ; SR Low-light vision, scent, Fast Healing 2, discarnate traits.
Special Attacks: Trip, Supernatural Might
Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1*
Treasure: None
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7-16)
Advancement: 3 HD (Medium); 4-6 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: --
A favorite tactic is to send a few individuals against the foe’s front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the flanks or rear.

Trip (Ex): A spirit beast wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

Supernatural Might (Su): Whenever a spirit beast wolf hits with a natural attack, it ignores the first 5 points of DR or Hardness.

*Spirit beast wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

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