1st level warrior CR 1
Medium humanoid [Shapechanger]
Languages: Common, Sylvan
1d8+0 (8hp)
AC x (10 + 0 Dex), touch 10, flat-footed
Fort +2, Ref +0,
Will +2
Initiative: +0; Speed: 30ft. (6
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Long sword +1 melee (1d8+0/19-20
x2) or longbow +2 ranged (1d8/x3)
Full Attack: Long sword +1 melee
(1db+0/19-20 x2) or longbow +2 ranged (1d8/x3)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11,
Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10
Special Qualities: Alternate Form,
Darkvision 60ft
Special Attacks: None
Feats Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Spot +2, Listen +2
Treasure: Standard
Environment: any forest
Organization: Squad (2-4), company
(11-20 plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of
3rd-6th level), or band (30-100 plus 20% noncombatants
plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level
lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
Advancement: by character class
Level Adjustment: +1
________________________________ COMBAT
prefer to fight in hybrid form, using the trees
of their homeland to their advantage to attack
from above at range. If outnumbered or outclassed,
lasconti shift to spider form and flee.
Form (Su): Lasconti have two alternate
forms, a hybrid form and a spider form. They can
change between either of these forms and their
humanoid form as a full round action.
Form: In this form, the lasconti’s
hair grows into stiff bristles, their teeth become
dangerous looking fangs and their skin hardens
slightly. They also grow four extra arms. These
arms are not dexterous enough to wield weapons,
but are capable of holding items, assisting in
climbing, and other activities not requiring fine
motor control. In hybrid form, the lasconti gains
a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity and a climb speed
of 20.
Form: In this form, the lasconti takes the
form of a Small monstrous spider as per the Shape
changing Rules.
lasconti remains in one form until it chooses
to take another. This transformation is natural
and is not revealed but effects such as true seeing.
Occasionally, a Lasconti will choose to leave
his tribe to seek adventure in the demi-human
lives. In that case, lasconti characters have
the following game statistics:
- -2
Medium: As Medium creatures, Lasconti have no
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Automatic Languages: Common and Sylvan. Bonus
Languages: Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling
- Lasconti
base land speed is 30 feet
- Darkvision
Alternate Form (Su): As detailed above.
Favored Class: Ranger
LA +1