Monsters -- Kaiyupei

Kaiyupei are vicious, intelligent creatures who live in underground hive-like complexes beneath the earth. They possess rudimentary intelligence and exhibit tool using behavior as well as telepathic links with their hive brothers and sisters.

A kaiyupei resembles a one and a half foot tall koala with oversized claws and leathery bat wings. Their eyes are reddish and large. Most attack with claws, but some wield clubs and crude spears.

Kaiyupei live in small colonies dominated by mated pairs. These larger kaiyupei are able to exert greater control over the telepathic link their species shares and force their siblings to work for their own gain and the good of the colony.

Kaiyupei CR 1/2
Tiny Magical Beast
Languages: Kaiyupei understand Common and Sylvan but only speak their own telepathic language.
½ d10 (5 HP)
AC 14 (10 +2 Dex +2 size), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Initiative: +4; Speed: 15ft. (3 squares), climb 10ft, fly 10ft (clumsy)
Space/Reach: 2 ½ ft/2 ½ ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-10
Attack: Claw +5 (1d2-3 x2) OR shortspear -1 (1d4-3 x3)
Full Attack: Claw +5 (1d2-3 x2) OR shortspear -1 (1d4-3 x3)
Abilities Str 4, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 7
Special Qualities: Kaiyupei Telepathy
Special Attacks: --
Feats Weapon finesse
Skills Hide +13, Move Silently +5
Treasure: Half Standard
Environment: Any Forest
Organization: Solitary, Hunting party (4-6), Hive (1-2 Advanced kaiyupei, 10-20 kaiyupei and 4-8 cubs)
Advancement: 1HD (Tiny), 2-3HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: +0
Kaiyupei are voracious carnivores and will attack anything they think they can bring down, including livestock, children and lone humanoids. They usually attack from the trees, using diving charges to gain the upper hand. They prefer to fight in packs, usually moving to surround their prey before simultaneously striking.

Kaiyupei Telepathy (Su): All kaiyupei born from the same hive within 100ft of one another are in constant telepathic communication. Additionally, if a kaiyupei is able to see another kaiyupei that it can communicate with, it cannot be flanked.

Kaiyupei Familiars
Kaiyupei can be taken as familiars by spell casters. They don’t grant any bonuses to skill checks, but their greater intelligence and combat ability make up for this.

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