Sparrow Swarm CR 3
Diminutive Magical Beast [Augmented Animal,
Languages: --
4d8+4 (22 HP)
AC 18 (10 +4 size, +3 Dex, +1
natural), touch 17, flat-footed 15
Fort +5, Ref
+9, Will +3
Initiative: +3; Speed:
5ft (1 square), fly 30ft. (good) (6 squares)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/0 ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/--
Attack: Swarm (1d8)
Full Attack: Swarm (1d8)
Abilities Str 3, Dex 16, Con
12, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 6
Special Qualities: Immune weapon
damage; low-light vision, swarm traits
Special Attacks: Distraction,
slashing passage
Feats Improved Natural Attack,
Lightening Reflexes
Skills Listen +9, Spot +9
Treasure: None
Environment: any
Organization: solitary, flight
(2-4 swarms), colony (5-10 swarms)
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: --
While usually docile or even friendly, blade sparrows
fight to the death if their nest is disturbed
or destroyed, using their sharp pinions to terrible
(Ex): Any living creature that begins
its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed
on a DC 13 Fortitude save or be nauseated for
1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Passage (Ex): Blade Sparrows use their
wings to slash at their enemies in passing. Whenever
a blade sparrow swarm moves through a creature’s
path, that creature must make a Reflex save (DC
13), or take the swarm’s normal swarm damage.
The save DC is Constitution-based. |