Locations: The Ashed Lands 
The Ashed Lands
Up until 3901CA, the Great Green Expanse was considered the realm of Sylph’s people. Collectively known as the Races of the Green, the Sylphian peoples strove to live in peace with nature and to either pacify of drive out the spirit beasts in their home. In the decades before the end, the Green Expanse even opened up trade with its neighbors in Callen and Chordin.

Peace and prosperity was on he horizon for the western nations if not for the fanatics of Denaii in Calderia. The Calderians harbored a deep hatred for the Green Expanse for they felt that it was ruled by inferior races. For over four centuries, Calderia would move against Callen, Te’ran and Rizen, chafing at their lack of ability to strike effectively against the hated Sylphians.

Then, in 3897CA, the Denaiian clergy found a loophole in their church laws against arcane magic that allowed them to force slaves to cast teleportation spells to transport armies into the heart of Sylph’s realm.

Four years of war followed and the Calderians were on the brink of defeat when their Regents unleashed on final calamity – a magical force that obliterated the Green Expanse and most of the Races of the Green. The Expanse became a fetid, hateful wasteland, full of twisted, baleful magic and monsters beyond the awareness of men.

Today, the Ashed Lands are a festering wound in the landscape, boiling with malevolence and poison. Clouds of choking ash bluster across the landscape, infused with wasting sickness. The monsters that live here are immune to both the ash and the toxic water that bubbles out of the ground – they are also unlike any monster the rest of Ere has ever seen.

Few sane people venture into the Ashed Lands and even fewer make it out of them alive. Occasionally, treasure hunters will attempt forays into the blighted landscape to seek out ancient Sylphian strongholds; but most often prospectors enter seeking to poach rare and valuable resources from the Ashed Lands such as ash glass. No matter what reason they have to enter the Ashed Lands, all must face the terrors that dwell there as well as the environment itself.

Ashed Lands Hazards

Ash Clouds
Forming as often as fog banks do on the rest of the continent, ash clouds are low, clinging banks of black particles that severely limit visibility and accumulate in the lungs and eyes, irritating both and eventually suffocating those trapped within them for too long.

Ash clouds blanket areas up to two miles in diameter, mostly along hills and at the foot of cliffs. Creatures within an ash cloud are treated as if in an area of heavy fog. The cloud irritates the eyes and lungs, causing all creatures not native to the Ashed Lands to suffer a -2 penalty to attacks and AC from their stinging eyes and requiring them the make a Fortitude save (DC 20) every round or become nauseated for one round. Creature caught in the cloud can attempt to hold their breath to avoid the nauseating effect.

A creature nauseated by the effect of an ash cloud for ten rounds within a ten minute period become paralyzed until they are removed from the ash cloud.

Sidebar: Monsters in the Ashed Lands
When deciding what monsters live in the Ashed Lands, it is suggested that the DM use creatures of exceptionally bizarre and monstrous anatomy that have very little place in the surrounding ecologies on the rest of the continent.

Achaierai, ettins, chaos beasts, athachs, digesters, and manticores are all excellent choices to be Ashed Lands denizens as they don’t generally appear elsewhere on Ere. When in doubt, the DM is encourage to create their own monsters to populate the Ashed Lands.

The creatures that inhabit the Ashed Lands are either native species that have been transformed by the toxic environment, or twisted remnants of the unique creatures that used to call the Green Expanse home. Most of these are aberrations and magical beasts not native to Ere.

All of these creatures are somehow mystically tasked with a drive to leave the Ashed Lands and consume or destroy everything they come across thereafter. Even the local plant life is often animated and lashes out to attack non-Ashed Lands natives with eerie intent.

Toxic Water
All water not brought into the Ashed Lands is toxic and undrinkable. A creature can attempt to choke down the caustic stuff with a DC15 Fortitude save, but doing requires another Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) to avoid taking 1d6 Constitution damage.

The Ashed Lands naturally taint water left out in the open, transforming all water exposed to the elements or even to light into the same toxic poison as the rest of the water in the area within five minutes. Only water enclosed in an opaque container is safe to drink.

Purify food and drink has no effect on this taint and create water creates water just as tainted as water that occurs naturally in the Ashed Lands. Strangely, the taint disappears instantly when taken out of the Ashed Lands, becoming fresh and good tasting within seconds.

Wasting Cloud
Wasting clouds are more virulent versions of ash clouds. They form around areas that were once population centers – Elfholmes, fey glens, and even giant insect hives. A wasting cloud is rarely larger than one hundred feet in diameter. There is no known way to distinguish an ash cloud and a wasting cloud.

All the effects of an ash cloud are in effect in a wasting cloud. In addition, creatures who become paralyzed by the effects of this cloud must make a Will saving throw (DC 20) every round or take 1 Charisma drain. Creatures reaching 0 Charisma from this drain become Ash Transfigured creatures; losing all memory of what they once were and seeking only to spread the taint of the Ashed Lands beyond its borders.

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