Equipment: Adventuring Equipment
Item Price Weight
Tools and Skill Kits    


2gp 1lb
Expanding Staff 10gp 4lb
Gun Blade, Integrated +5gp +1lb
Pocket Watch 15gp ½ lb
Rigged Bottle 10gp 1lb
Rigged Bottle, waterproof 30gp 1lb
Rope, Spidersilk 35gp 4lb
Scope 150gp 1lb
Smuggler’s Case 100gp 5lb

Speed Loader, Repeater

50gp 1lb
Speed Loader, Long Arms +50gp +1lb
Tools and Skill Kits

A bayonet is a foot long, sharp blade that attaches to the end of a long arm (long rifle, shotgun). A character wielding a weapon with an attached bayonet can make a melee attack with it (1d4 19-20 x2 piercing).

For the purposes of Two-Weapon Fighting, treat a weapon with a bayonet as a double weapon.

Expanding Staff
This hollow wooden staff contains a set of springs and catches that allow it to quickly expand at the press of a button. As a free action, a character can press the button to expand the staff from its two foot length to a six foot quarterstaff. As a move action, the character can hold the button, allowing the staff to expand into a full length ten foot pole.

Collapsing the staff again is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Gun Blade, Integrated
An integrated gun blade is a short blade built into the handle or barrel of a light firearm (pistols, hand cannon). A character wielding a weapon constructed with an integrated gun blade can make a melee attack with it (1d3 x2 slashing)

For the purposes of Two-weapon Fighting, treat a weapon with an integrated gun blade as a double weapon.

Pocket Watch
This clockwork device keeps time accurate to within 2 minutes. A masterwork pocket watch keeps perfect time. A pocket watch used as a magical item takes up the broach slot.

Rigged Bottle
A rigged bottle is a special container rigged with a fuse that sets off a small explosive charge, releasing its contents. The fuse burns for three rounds before the bottle breaks.

Rigged Bottle, waterproof
As rigged bottle, but the fuse burns underwater and in other areas where fires would not normally burn.

Rope, Spidersilk (50ft.)
This incredibly strong and light rope is made from silk milked from monstrous spiders. It has 8 hit points and can be burst with a DC 26 Str check. It is so supple and thin that it provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Use Rope checks.

A scope is a precision ground eyepiece that can be attached to any non-light firearm or crossbow. Sneak attacks with a weapon with a scope can be made from 45ft instead of 30ft. The range increment remains unchanged.

Smuggler’s Case
A smuggler’s case is a musical instrument case with a hidden compartment for storing weapons or contraband. It can hold two pounds of material and requires a search Check DC 20 to find.

Speed Loader, Repeater
A speed loader is a special device that holds six bullets in proper configuration so that they may be inserted into a repeater pistol. Fully loading a repeater pistol with a speed loader is a swift action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Adding six more bullets to a speed loader is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Speed Loader, Long Arms
A speed loader for long arms (long rifle, shotgun) actually needs to be built into the weapon itself during creation. Fully loading a weapon modified with a speed loader is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

The price and weight of the speed loader is added to the price of the weapon.

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