Equipment: Special Substances
Item Price Weight
Superior and Special Items    
Adhesive Line 60gp 4lb
Burst Water
25gp 2lb
Climbing Epoxy
20gp 1lb
Eyeshine 35gp
½ lb
15gp 1lb
Shooting-star Powder
15gp 1lb
Slip Spray 20gp 1lb
Gunpowder Items    
15gp ½ lb
Bomblet, Adhesive
25gp ½ lb
Bomblet, Self Lighting
25gp ½ lb
Powder Keg
110gp 15lb
Rocket, Heavy
250gp 25lb
Rocket, Light
35gp 5lb
Rocket, Siege
3000gp 300lb
Wall-breaker Spike 120gp 12lb
Special Substances

Adhesive Line
This spider silk rope is tipped with fragile vial of strong adhesive that bonds on contact with air. A successful ranged touch attack attaches the rope to objects or creatures. A creature may remove the rope as a full round action. The glue disintegrates after 5 minutes.

Burst Water
This bottle of clear liquid is usually stored and transported in padded containers due to the volatile nature of its contents. When thrown or dropped on a solid surface, burst water explodes, dealing 1d6 sonic damage to everything within 10ft.

Burst water can also be poured over or soaked into an object. If used in this way, the water remains for five minutes and the object ignites is struck sharply.

Climbing Epoxy
Two minutes after application to hands/gloves, this red gel grants a +2 alchemical bonus to climb checks which lasts two minutes before fading away. Price is for 5 applications.

When applied, this liquid makes the user’s eyes shine a sickly yellow, granting low light vision for 10 minutes. If the solution is not washed out within an hour of application, the user is blinded for 1 hour thereafter.

Shooting Star Powder
When thrown into the air, this rust colored powder ignites in a 10ft cube in front of the user, dealing 2 fire damage to all creatures in the cloud each round. 1 dose of powder creates a cloud that lasts 2 rounds.

Applied from a small spray bottle, Slip spray makes holding items difficult. A single dose of the spray causes any creature attempting to hold an item treated with it to make a reflex save DC10 or drop it. A dose of Slip-spray lasts 5 rounds.

The best known and most widely used explosive on Ere is gunpowder. It comes in a variety of forms, but as a rule, it follows the following general game rules:

Concussive Damage: non-magical explosions deal concussive damage. Concussive damage deals damage to objects just as it does to creatures; roll damage and apply it normally after a successful hit.

Unpacked powder: Unpacked gunpowder does not explode, it merely burns, dealing 1d6 fire damage to any creature in the same square for one round per every two pounds of gunpowder in the square.

Packed powder: Properly packed gunpowder (gunpowder that has been made into one of the items below) explodes, dealing fire and concussive damage in a spread.

Raw gunpowder can be created with a craft (alchemy) check DC 20 at a cost of 14gp/lb. Gunpowder is required as a component for crafting (using the craft: explosives skill) any gunpowder explosive item. The cost of the gunpowder is already included in the price of the item.

Gunpowder Explosive Items

This small, round sphere, the size of a plum is a favorite weapon. It takes a move action to light the fuse of a bomblet and the bomblet explodes on the following round. Bomblets are thrown and
target areas as grenade-like weapons. When a bomblet explodes, all creatures and objects in a 5ft square take 1 fire damage and 1d4 concussive damage.

Bomblet, Adhesive
Yet another version of the bomblet, this bomblet comes covered in cloth. Once this cloth is removed, the bomblet will stick to any surface it is thrown against. To attach a sticky bomblet to a creature, the thrower must make a successful ranged touch attack.

Bomblet, Self Lighting
This version of the bomblet is exactly like a normal bomblet, but a complicated mechanism attached to it allows its fuse to be lit as a free action.

Powder Keg
This item is a simple keg packed with gunpowder and topped with a fuse. Powder Kegs are too awkward to properly throw, so they are most often launched via catapult or placed. The fuse of a powder keg burns for five rounds, then explodes, dealing 4d6 concussive damage and 4 fire damage to everything in a 10ft spread.

Rocket, Heavy
A heavy rocket is a larger version of the light rocket. It must be rested against the ground to fire. Otherwise, the heavy rocket is used exactly as a light one, except it deals 5d6 concussive damage and 5 fire damage in a 10ft spread.

Rocket, Light
A rocket is a gunpowder filled projectile, which is itself propelled by gunpowder. A rocket resembles a metal tube with a fuse and a shoulder mount. Firing a rocket is a full round action, requiring a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10ft. If the attack misses the rocket continues out to 100ft from where it was fired in a straight line.

A rocket deals 2d6 concussive damage and 2 fire damage to everything in the 5ft square in which it lands. A rocket can only be fired once.

Rocket, Siege
This version of the rocket is so huge that is must be mounted on a wagon or similar sturdy base. It has a range increment of 30ft, will continue out to 300ft if it misses and deals 9d6 concussive damage and 9 fire damage to everything in a 25ft spread.

Wall-breaker Spike
This device is a hollow wooden spike with an iron tip, filled with gunpowder and capped with wax. It can be driven into a stone or wooden wall with a DC 15 Strength check and a mallet or hammer. Once set, the fuse burns for three rounds before exploding, dealing 4d6 concussive and 4 fire damage to any creatures or objects in a 10ft spread. A properly set spike deals double damage to the wall.

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