Warriors who draw deeply into their own inner reserves to
gain strength and fortitude are well known and respected fixtures
on Ere. Nestled in the hills of Callen, human barbarians are
tribal heroes and generally the first line of defense for
their people. Halfling caravans in the area also boast a number
of their own who have learned the secrets of the Rage from
their human friends.
In the
jungles of Vini Tresolm, Tresolmi elves have also discovered
similar means and employ them to devastating effect against
their foes. And in Genmide, phalanxes of dwarven berserkers
are integral parts of dwarven armies.
Barbarian Rules or Variants:
Barbarians on Ere do not have to be non-lawful.
This supercedes the Alignment and Ex-Barbarians
entries in the PH.
Barbarians on Ere can read and write any languages
they speak without spending additional skill
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, barbarians have 4 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
Bards have a special place on Ere as teachers and purveyors
of news. Dubbed loremen/women and story spinners, they often
find themselves employed long term by wealthy lords and innkeepers.
Across the entire continent, many bardic colleges exist to
train and connect bards from all races.
Bard Rules or Variants:
Bards on Ere do not have to be non-lawful. This
supercedes the Alignment and Ex-Bards entries
in the PH.
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, bards have 8 + Intelligence modifier times
4 skills as their starting skill points and
gain 8 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
Variant: Some bards tap their own inner power
through their words and music instead of simply
the innate power of such forces. Such bards
use spell points rather than spell slots.
Clerics serve several different roles on Ere, dependant on
their religion. In churches of the greater Pantheon, clerics
are the martial arm, charged with defending the temples, protecting
the faithful and carrying their god’s will out into
the world.
For small
gods, clerics are usually their only true clergy, any true
believer being given the mantle of cleric by the strength
of their belief. They serve to maintain their god’s
memory and power on Ere. For Dragon Cults, clerics are envoys
to the actual dragon nations, serving as diplomats for their
people and attempting to win special favor for them.
Cleric Rules or Variants:
- Clerics
can cast spells heedless of descriptors. This
supercedes the Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful
Spells entry in the PH.
All clerics are proficient with their deity’s
chosen weapon. Clerics with the War Domain gain
Weapon Specialization in their deity’s
chosen weapon.
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, clerics have 4 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
While Sylph has clerics, she is also served by the druids.
Where Sylphian clerics tend to people, the druids tend to
her domain – the whole of nature, wherever it may be
of this, it is not uncommon to see druids in cities, maintaining
public gardens, or even the private holdings of the wealthy.
Nature is nature to Sylph and her servants.
Druid Rules and Variants:
Druids using wild shape use the new Shapeshifting
rules listed in the Magic Section.
Druids may have vermin as animal companions
in addition to normal animals.
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, druids have 6 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 6 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
While combatants are more specialized, there is definitely
a place for men at arms on Ere. Many nations find that the
discipline, martial flexibility and professionalism of a fighter
are better for building armies than the bravado and focus
on a single weapon of a combatant.
Fighter Rules and Variants:
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, fighters have 4 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
The deeply lawful nature and alignment based abilities of
the monk class means that they do not generally exist on Ere.
Solitary monks who have sensed power beyond normal comprehension
on Ere are entirely possible, however.
Monk Rules and Variants:
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, monks have 6 + Intelligence modifier times
4 skills as their starting skill points and
gain 6 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
In concept and in execution, Paladins are at odds with some
of the primary concepts of Ere. For this reason, they in general
do not exist on Ere. Holy Crusaders are represented instead
by the Champion prestige class.
With the new dangers found in the wilds, rangers are highly
valued and respected on Ere. Any number of organizations have
sprung up across the continent to train and hire out the services
of rangers, mostly under to auspices of the Temple of Sylph.
Ranger Rules and Variants:
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, rangers have 8 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 8 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
Rogues make up the bulk of the professional adventurer class
that has sprung up in many larger cities. Highly skilled in
combat and knowledgeable about the obstacles that often hinder
expeditions, rogues are often placed in charge of ventures
on the behalf of organizations.
Rogue Rules and Variants:
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, rogues have 10 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 10 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
The heirs of powerful inborn and draconic bloodlines, low
level sorcerers are the most numerous classes of spellcasters
on Ere. The ease at which they cast magic and their lack of
a need to learn spells has historically put them at odds with
wizards who view them as a threat. Recently, however, wizards
have found that the talents of sorcerers are best put to use
for their purposes rather than alienated.
Sorcerer Rules and Variants:
Sorcerers on Ere gain the Eschew Materials feat
for free at first level.
Add Diplomacy, Intimidate and Use Magic Device
to the sorcerer class skill list.
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, sorcerers have 4 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.
The wizards of Ere are equivalent to real world scientists,
delving deep into the principles of their art to improve and
develop new spells and applications of magic. They are responsible
for the wide availability of magic in the world and for constantly
pushing the limits of metaphysics.
Wizard Rules and Variants:
On Ere, learning and honing one’s skills
has a more important role than normal. To reflect
this, wizards have 4 + Intelligence modifier
times 4 skills as their starting skill points
and gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points
each level.